How is this different to other AI content tools?
Every other tool on the market uses the same LLM models to generate content. We're not producing one-click AI content. We've created a system that uses advanced prompts to craft engaging content that runs through a series of AI agents to edit, QC and refine.
How many revisions do I get?
Our process is designed to be affordable and scalable so we limit the amount of revisions per article. We agree upfront criteria such as writing style, tone of voice, formatting and any brand information to limit the need for revisions. We allow a single round of revisions per article to make sure we can keep your costs low.
Will my content bypass AI detection?
In most cases, yes. However, our goal isn't to bypass AI detectors because they're inefficient and incorrect. Some industries (such as medical, law, health) will always be flagged as AI content even if this isn't the case. We eliminate over 1,000 markers from each LLM to ensure we're removing any blatant patterns that may trip up users.
Does the content get indexed?
Yes, our content gets indexed. However, we can't control search engines and we can't tell you how long it will take to get indexed. If your domain is brand new or if you don't have strong enough link signals, there's a chance indexing will be delayed over a period of weeks, if not months.
Why shouldn't I just hire a human writer?
Human writers are great, if you can find the right person. But they're expensive. Most agencies pay north of $500 for a single blog post. And, how do you know that blog post will rank? How do you know it'll generate traffic? You don't. Why not get 10 articles, of the same quality, for $500? You increase your bets without increasing your costs.